Remote Control and Management of the Gambling Site System «OBSERVER+»
Functional capabilities of the system «OBSERVER+»
OBSERVER+ – is a completely new effective device for gambling hall management in which the latest high-tech achievements in the sphere of electronics and computer technology are integrated. Our experience and knowledge of the gambling industry and the difficulties which the owners and managers of gambling halls and casinos face made it possible for us to us to work up a powerful, reliable and at the same time easy-to-use device which would allow to control, collect the statistics and analyze work of the gambling hall. In addition, our other products - JACKPOT system and VIDEO SURVEILLANCE system - could be integrated in OBSERVER+ system as additional modules.
OBSERVER+ is built up on base of hardware-software module which is compatible with all known gambling machines and electronic roulettes. It does not need any special server equipment or other expensive devices. The functioning of our system is provided by a simple computer operating on Windows XP platform, and a small controller, which is switched directly to the gambling device. The connection between the governing computer, machines and the surveillance cameras is accomplished with the help of wire or wireless net at the speed of 10 Mbit/sec. Any Internet browser, for example, Internet Explorer, could be used as the governing frame. For external system administration on-line or dial-up connection to Internet is required. If you integrate the "Jackpot" module in the "OBSERVER+" system, you'll also be able to connect different output devices to it, such as "creeping line" panel, plasma indicating panel and sound system.
OBSERVER+ has the following functional capabilities:
it monitors and analyses statistics of slot-machines (or electronic roulettes), making reports on the work of the whole gambling hall over a given period of time, and sending it automatically by e-mail or SMS;
after connection of the "Statistics Server" module it can also send reports on gambling halls to make detailed statistics of gambling clubs' net;
it can charge credits to slot-machines by means of controllers using ID003 and PULSE protocols;
it prints out receipts for sold credits automatically after putting money into the slot-machine bill acceptor;
it has a compatibility with the fiscal printer "Maria 701" (UA);
it registers equipment events (turning on/off, door opening, money giving, setup changing, jackpot drawing, equipment overheating, etc.), and in case of emergency sends messages by e-mail or SMS;
it exports reports' and events' data in MS Excel tables;
it records emergency video (e.g. unauthorized equipment use) for further playback of the episode;
it manages real-time visual controlling from any place in the world using web-cameras connected to the system;
it manages real-time viewing of statistics of any gambling device;
its web-cameras make snapshots (periodically, defined by user, e.g. once per hour) of gambling hall interior for further analysis of gamblers' activity during the course of the day;
it can unite several gambling halls using Internet-services;
it allows you to set up staff working shifts and analyze the work of the gambling hall during different shifts;
it can charge credits remotely using interface credit charge board (ICCB).

You can download full description of OBSERVER+ here.
«OBSERVER+» system hardware
Computer (managing server)
Requirements for the "OBSERVER+" server depend on devices you connect to it. The following configuration (if you don't use plasma panel or other output devices) should be considered as the minimal one:
Celeron 2.4 GHz;
256 Mb RAM;
40 Gb HDD;
Motherboard (any, but ASUS recommended);
Graphics card (with S-Video port if you intend to use a plasma panel);
Netcard (one built-in the motherboard should be enough);
Slot-machine controller
Slot-machine controller is a device, which is connected simultaneously to game board and slot-machine managing devices (buttons, keys, counters). Controller is designed to gather information about slot-machine work: credit adding and charging, entering statistics and service screens, doors opening, etc. After installing the "Jackpot" module you can also connect to the controller a light signal for winning announcements. The "controller-server" line discipline secures transferred information. Controller gathers slot-machine information even if the server is disconnected from local net. Counters' registrations and last events' reports are kept in the nonvolatile memory. Controller is connected to the slot-machine using the 25pin slot.
You can connect cable wires to slot-machine devices using Scotchlok connectors or by soldering it.
Slot machine controllers are connected to the managing computer through the local net, using the "twisted pair" cable. To create a local net you should have commutation devices and patch cords (connecting wires). We recommend you to use D-Link 1005, D-Link 1008, and D-Link 1016 switches as commutation devices (numbers 5, 8, and 16 represent quantity of commutated devices). To define commutation devices' quantity and type you should consider, that 2 slots of each communicator are used to connect them to each other. Moreover, you should consider the slot-machines' placement in your gambling hall.
It is advisable to arrange communicators in such a way as to provide the switch commutating a group of closely placed slot-machines. If the gambling hall space is not comfortable for using wire net, then we recommend you to use Radio Ethernet devices (one POP for a group of closely placed slot-machines).
You can use any web-cameras, which you can connect to local net, to work with the "OBSERVER+" system. To set them up you should use standard web-cameras' software. They should be connected to the local net and the "OBSERVER+" server, and supplied with power according to web-camera user's manual.
Price list for OBSERVER + >>
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